A visit from Sweden!
Kategori: Let's do it.
So monday around 3-4 it knocked on the door - I was confused because I wasn't expacting anyone to come, everyone I knew was still working! I opened the door..
And I think my heart stoped for a few seconds, becuase who wasn't standing there if it wasn't my mother!!!!!!!!!!!
MY MOM WAS HERE! insane? that doesn't even start to describe it, therefore there wont be any updates until next tuesday, she leaves monday!
This was the best suprise ever - and she is the first one ever visiting me from home, but she wont be the last.
Me and Ewa are planning our summer in the states, as soon as she figures out her vaccay she will book her ticket to come visiting me! And we're driving down to SoCal!
Well, mom is making me dinner - YEYERS!
love, em.